Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled


adopted by the Diplomatic Conference to Conclude a Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works by Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities in Marrakesh, on June 27, 2013




The Contracting Parties, 缔约各方,
Recalling the principles of non-discrimination, equal opportunity, accessibility and full and effective participation and inclusion in society, proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,
Mindful of the challenges that are prejudicial to the complete development of persons with visual impairments or with other print disabilities, which limit their freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds on an equal basis with others, including through all forms of communication of their choice, their enjoyment of the right to education, and the opportunity to conduct research,
Emphasizing the importance of copyright protection as an incentive and reward for literary and artistic creations and of enhancing opportunities for everyone, including persons with visual impairments or with other print disabilities, to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share scientific progress and its benefits,
Aware of the barriers of persons with visual impairments or with other print disabilities to access published works in achieving equal opportunities in society, and the need to both expand the number of works in accessible formats and to improve the circulation of such works,
Taking into account that the majority of persons with visual impairments or with other print disabilities live in developing and least-developed countries,
Recognizing that, despite the differences in national copyright laws, the positive impact of new information and communication technologies on the lives of persons with visual impairments or with other print disabilities may be reinforced by an enhanced legal framework at the international level,
Recognizing that many Member States have established limitations and exceptions in their national copyright laws for persons with visual impairments or with other print disabilities, yet there is a continuing shortage of available works in accessible format copies for such persons, and that considerable resources are required for their effort of making works accessible to these persons, and that the lack of possibilities of cross-border exchange of accessible format copies has necessitated duplication of these efforts,
Recognizing both the importance of rightholders’ role in making their works accessible to persons with visual impairments or with other print disabilities and the importance of appropriate limitations and exceptions to make works accessible to these persons, particularly when the market is unable to provide such access,
Recognizing the need to maintain a balance between the effective protection of the rights of authors and the larger public interest, particularly education, research and access to information, and that such a balance must facilitate effective and timely access to works for the benefit of persons with visual impairments or with other print disabilities,
Reaffirming the obligations of Contracting Parties under the existing international treaties on the protection of copyright and the importance and flexibility of the three-step test for limitations and exceptions established in Article 9(2) of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and other international instruments,
Recalling the importance of the Development Agenda recommendations, adopted in 2007 by the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which aim to ensure that development considerations form an integral part of the Organization’s work,
Recognizing the importance of the international copyright system and desiring to harmonize limitations and exceptions with a view to facilitating access to and use of works by persons with visual impairments or with other print disabilities,
Have agreed as follows:

Article 1
Relation to Other Conventions and Treaties


Nothing in this Treaty shall derogate from any obligations that Contracting Parties have to each other under any other treaties, nor shall it prejudice any rights that a Contracting Party has under any other treaties.   本条约的任何内容均不减损缔约各方相互之间依任何其他条约承担的任何义务,也不损害缔约方依任何其他条约享有的任何权利。

Article 2


For the purposes of this Treaty:    在本条约中:
(a) "works" means literary and artistic works within the meaning of Article 2(1) of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, in the form of text, notation and/or related illustrations, whether published or otherwise made publicly available in any media [1];
(b) "accessible format copy" means a copy of a work in an alternative manner or form which gives a beneficiary person access to the work, including to permit the person to have access as feasibly and comfortably as a person without visual impairment or other print disability. The accessible format copy is used exclusively by beneficiary persons and it must respect the integrity of the original work, taking due consideration of the changes needed to make the work accessible in the alternative format and of the accessibility needs of the beneficiary persons;
(c) "authorized entity" means an entity that is authorized or recognized by the government to provide education, instructional training, adaptive reading or information access to beneficiary persons on a non-profit basis. It also includes a government institution or non-profit organization that provides the same services to beneficiary persons as one of its primary activities or institutional obligations [2].
  (三)“被授权实体”是指得到政府授权或承认,以非营利方式向受益人提供教育、指导培训、适应性阅读或信息渠道的实体。被授权实体也包括其主要活动或机构义务之一是向受益人提供相同服务的政府机构或非营利组织 [2]
An authorized entity establishes and follows its own practices:
(i) to establish that the persons it serves are beneficiary persons;
(ii) to limit to beneficiary persons and/or authorized entities its distribution and making available of accessible format copies;
(iii) to discourage the reproduction, distribution and making available of unauthorized copies; and
(iv) to maintain due care in, and records of, its handling of copies of works, while respecting the privacy of beneficiary persons in accordance with Article 8.

Article 3
Beneficiary Persons


A beneficiary person is a person who:   受益人为不论有无任何其他残疾的下列人:
(a) is blind;
(b) has a visual impairment or a perceptual or reading disability which cannot be improved to give visual function substantially equivalent to that of a person who has no such impairment or disability and so is unable to read printed works to substantially the same degree as a person without an impairment or disability; or [3]
(c) is otherwise unable, through physical disability, to hold or manipulate a book or to focus or move the eyes to the extent that would be normally acceptable for reading;
regardless of any other disabilities.

Article 4
National Law Limitations and Exceptions Regarding Accessible Format Copies


1.   一、
(a) Contracting Parties shall provide in their national copyright laws for a limitation or exception to the right of reproduction, the right of distribution, and the right of making available to the public as provided by the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT), to facilitate the availability of works in accessible format copies for beneficiary persons. The limitation or exception provided in national law should permit changes needed to make the work accessible in the alternative format.
(b) Contracting Parties may also provide a limitation or exception to the right of public performance to facilitate access to works for beneficiary persons.
2. A Contracting Party may fulfill Article 4(1) for all rights identified therein by providing a limitation or exception in its national copyright law such that:   二、缔约方为执行第四条第一款关于该款所述各项权利的规定,可以在其国内版权法中规定限制或例外,以便:
(a) Authorized entities shall be permitted, without the authorization of the copyright rightholder, to make an accessible format copy of a work, obtain from another authorized entity an accessible format copy, and supply those copies to beneficiary persons by any means, including by non-commercial lending or by electronic communication by wire or wireless means, and undertake any intermediate steps to achieve those objectives, when all of the following conditions are met:
(i) the authorized entity wishing to undertake said activity has lawful access to that work or a copy of that work; 
(ii) the work is converted to an accessible format copy, which may include any means needed to navigate information in the accessible format, but does not introduce changes other than those needed to make the work accessible to the beneficiary person; 
(iii) such accessible format copies are supplied exclusively to be used by beneficiary persons; and
(iv) the activity is undertaken on a non-profit basis;
(b) A beneficiary person, or someone acting on his or her behalf including a primary caretaker or caregiver, may make an accessible format copy of a work for the personal use of the beneficiary person or otherwise may assist the beneficiary person to make and use accessible format copies where the beneficiary person has lawful access to that work or a copy of that work.
3. A Contracting Party may fulfill Article 4(1) by providing other limitations or exceptions in its national copyright law pursuant to Articles 10 and 11 [4].   三、缔约方为执行第四条第一款的规定,可以根据第十条和第十一条在其国内版权法中规定其他限制或例外[4]
4. A Contracting Party may confine limitations or exceptions under this Article to works which, in the particular accessible format, cannot be obtained commercially under reasonable terms for beneficiary persons in that market.  Any Contracting Party availing itself of this possibility shall so declare in a notification deposited with the Director General of WIPO at the time of ratification of, acceptance of or accession to this Treaty or at any time thereafter [5].   四、缔约方可以将本条规定的限制或例外限于在该市场中无法从商业渠道以合理条件为受益人获得特定无障碍格式的作品。利用这种可能性的缔约方,应在批准、接受或加入本条约时,或者在之后的任何时间,在向世界知识产权组织总干事交存的通知中作出声明[5]
5. It shall be a matter for national law to determine whether limitations or exceptions under this Article are subject to remuneration.   五、本条规定的限制或例外是否需要支付报酬,由国内法决定。

Article 5
Cross-Border Exchange of Accessible Format Copies


1. Contracting Parties shall provide that if an accessible format copy is made under a limitation or exception or pursuant to operation of law, that accessible format copy may be distributed or made available by an authorized entity to a beneficiary person or an authorized entity in another Contracting Party [6].   一、缔约方应规定,如果无障碍格式版系根据限制或例外或者依法制作的,该无障碍格式版可以由一个被授权实体向另一缔约方的受益人或被授权实体发行或提供[6]
2. A Contracting Party may fulfill Article 5(1) by providing a limitation or exception in its national copyright law such that:   二、缔约方为执行第五条第一款的规定,可以在其国内版权法中规定限制或例外,以便:
(a) authorized entities shall be permitted, without the authorization of the rightholder, to distribute or make available for the exclusive use of beneficiary persons accessible format copies to an authorized entity in another Contracting Party; and
(b) authorized entities shall be permitted, without the authorization of the rightholder and pursuant to Article 2(c), to distribute or make available accessible format copies to a beneficiary person in another Contracting Party;
provided that prior to the distribution or making available the originating authorized entity did not know or have reasonable grounds to know that the accessible format copy would be used for other than beneficiary persons [7].   条件是在发行或提供之前,作为来源方的被授权实体不知道或者没有合理理由知道无障碍格式版将被用于受益人以外的目的[7]
3. A Contracting Party may fulfill Article 5(1) by providing other limitations or exceptions in its national copyright law pursuant to Articles 5(4), 10 and 11.   三、缔约方为执行第五条第一款的规定,可以根据第五条第四款、第十条和第十一条在其国内版权法中规定其他限制或例外。
4.   四、
(a) When an authorized entity in a Contracting Party receives accessible format copies pursuant to Article 5(1) and that Contracting Party does not have obligations under Article 9 of the Berne Convention, it will ensure, consistent with its own legal system and practices, that the accessible format copies are only reproduced, distributed or made available for the benefit of beneficiary persons in that Contracting Party’s jurisdiction.
(b) The distribution and making available of accessible format copies by an authorized entity pursuant to Article 5(1) shall be limited to that jurisdiction unless the Contracting Party is a Party to the WIPO Copyright Treaty or otherwise limits limitations and exceptions implementing this Treaty to the right of distribution and the right of making available to the public to certain special cases which do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the rightholder [8], [9].
  (二)被授权实体依第五条第一款发行和提供无障碍格式版,应限于该管辖范围,除非缔约方是《世界知识产权组织版权条约》的缔约方,或者以其他方式将旨在实施本条约的对发行权和向公众提供权的限制与例外限于某些不与作品的正常利用相抵触、也不致不合理地损害权利人合法利益的特殊情况[8], [9]
(c) Nothing in this Article affects the determination of what constitutes an act of distribution or an act of making available to the public.
5. Nothing in this Treaty shall be used to address the issue of exhaustion of rights.   五、本条约的任何内容均不得用于处理权利用尽问题。

Article 6
Importation of Accessible Format Copies


To the extent that the national law of a Contracting Party would permit a beneficiary person, someone acting on his or her behalf, or an authorized entity, to make an accessible format copy of a work, the national law of that Contracting Party shall also permit them to import an accessible format copy for the benefit of beneficiary persons, without the authorization of the rightholder [10].   只要缔约方的国内法允许受益人、代表受益人行事的人或被授权实体制作作品的无障碍格式版,该缔约方的国内法也应同样允许其在未经权利人授权的情况下,为受益人的利益进口无障碍格式版[10]

Article 7
Obligations Concerning Technological Measures


Contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures, as necessary, to ensure that when they provide adequate legal protection and effective legal remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures, this legal protection does not prevent beneficiary persons from enjoying the limitations and exceptions provided for in this Treaty [11].   缔约各方应在必要时采取适当措施,确保在其为制止规避有效的技术措施规定适当的法律保护和有效的法律救济时,这种法律保护不妨碍受益人享受本条约规定的限制与例外[11]

Article 8
Respect for Privacy


In the implementation of the limitations and exceptions provided for in this Treaty, Contracting Parties shall endeavor to protect the privacy of beneficiary persons on an equal basis with others.   缔约各方在实施本条约规定的限制与例外时,应努力在与其他人平等的基础上保护受益人的隐私。

Article 9
Cooperation to Facilitate Cross-Border Exchange


1. Contracting Parties shall endeavor to foster the cross-border exchange of accessible format copies by encouraging the voluntary sharing of information to assist authorized entities in identifying one another. The International Bureau of WIPO shall establish an information access point for this purpose.   一、缔约各方应鼓励自愿共享信息,帮助被授权实体互相确认,以努力促进无障碍格式版的跨境交换。世界知识产权组织国际局应为此建立信息联络点。
2. Contracting Parties undertake to assist their authorized entities engaged in activities under Article 5 to make information available regarding their practices pursuant to Article 2(c), both through the sharing of information among authorized entities, and through making available information on their policies and practices, including related to cross-border exchange of accessible format copies, to interested parties and members of the public as appropriate.   二、缔约各方承诺帮助本方从事第五条规定的各项活动的被授权实体提供与第二条第(三)项所述其各项做法有关的信息,一方面通过在被授权实体之间共享信息,另一方面通过酌情向有关各方和公众提供有关其政策和做法的信息,其中包括与无障碍格式版的跨境交换有关的政策和做法的信息。
3. The International Bureau of WIPO is invited to share information, where available, about the functioning of this Treaty.   三、请世界知识产权组织国际局在有与本条约发挥作用有关的信息时,共享这种信息。
4. Contracting Parties recognize the importance of international cooperation and its promotion, in support of national efforts for realization of the purpose and objectives of this Treaty [12].   四、缔约各方承认国际合作与促进国际合作在支持各国努力实现本条约的宗旨和各项目标方面的重要性[12]

Article 10
General Principles on Implementation


1. Contracting Parties undertake to adopt the measures necessary to ensure the application of this Treaty.   一、缔约各方承诺采取必要措施,确保本条约的适用。
2. Nothing shall prevent Contracting Parties from determining the appropriate method of implementing the provisions of this Treaty within their own legal system and practice [13].   二、任何内容均不妨碍缔约各方决定在自身的法律制度和做法中实施本条约各项规定的适当办法[13]
3. Contracting Parties may fulfill their rights and obligations under this Treaty through limitations or exceptions specifically for the benefit of beneficiary persons, other limitations or exceptions, or a combination thereof, within their national legal system and practice.  These may include judicial, administrative or regulatory determinations for the benefit of beneficiary persons as to fair practices, dealings or uses to meet their needs consistent with the Contracting Parties’ rights and obligations under the Berne Convention, other international treaties, and Article 11.    三、缔约各方为履行其依本条约享有的权利和承担的义务,可以在其国内法律制度和做法中专为受益人规定限制或例外、规定其他限制或例外或者同时规定二者。这些可以包括根据缔约各方依《伯尔尼公约》、其他国际条约和第十一条享有的权利和承担的义务,为了受益人的利益,对旨在满足受益人需求的公平做法、公平行为或合理使用进行司法、行政和监管上的认定。

Article 11
General Obligations on Limitations and Exceptions


In adopting measures necessary to ensure the application of this Treaty, a Contracting Party may exercise the rights and shall comply with the obligations that that Contracting Party has under the Berne Convention, the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and the WIPO Copyright Treaty, including their interpretative agreements so that:   缔约方在采取必要措施确保本条约的适用时,可以行使该缔约方依照《伯尔尼公约》、《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》和《世界知识产权组织版权条约》,包括它们的各项解释性协议,所享有的权利,并应遵守其依照这些条约承担的义务,因此,
(a) in accordance with Article 9(2) of the Berne Convention, a Contracting Party may permit the reproduction of works in certain special cases provided that such reproduction does not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author;
(b) in accordance with Article 13 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, a Contracting Party shall confine limitations or exceptions to exclusive rights to certain special cases which do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the rightholder;
(c) in accordance with Article 10(1) of the WIPO Copyright Treaty, a Contracting Party may provide for limitations of or exceptions to the rights granted to authors under the WCT in certain special cases, that do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author;
(d) in accordance with Article 10(2) of the WIPO Copyright Treaty, a Contracting Party shall confine, when applying the Berne Convention, any limitations of or exceptions to rights to certain special cases that do not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.

Article 12
Other Limitations and Exceptions


1. Contracting Parties recognize that a Contracting Party may implement in its national law other copyright limitations and exceptions for the benefit of beneficiary persons than are provided by this Treaty having regard to that Contracting Party’s economic situation, and its social and cultural needs, in conformity with that Contracting Party's international rights and obligations, and in the case of a least-developed country taking into account its special needs and its particular international rights and obligations and flexibilities thereof.   一、缔约各方承认,缔约方可以依照该缔约方的国际权利和义务,根据该缔约方的经济情况与社会和文化需求,对于最不发达国家,还应考虑其特殊需求、其特定的国际权利和义务及这些权利和义务的灵活性,在其国内法中为受益人实施本条约未规定的其他版权限制与例外。
2. This Treaty is without prejudice to other limitations and exceptions for persons with disabilities provided by national law.   二、本条约不损害国内法为残疾人规定的其他限制与例外。

Article 13


1.   一、
(a) The Contracting Parties shall have an Assembly.
(b) Each Contracting Party shall be represented in the Assembly by one delegate who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors and experts.
(c) The expenses of each delegation shall be borne by the Contracting Party that has appointed the delegation. The Assembly may ask WIPO to grant financial assistance to facilitate the participation of delegations of Contracting Parties that are regarded as developing countries in conformity with the established practice of the General Assembly of the United Nations or that are countries in transition to a market economy.
2.   二、
(a) The Assembly shall deal with matters concerning the maintenance and development of this Treaty and the application and operation of this Treaty.
(b) The Assembly shall perform the function allocated to it under Article 15 in respect of the admission of certain intergovernmental organizations to become party to this Treaty.
(c) The Assembly shall decide the convocation of any diplomatic conference for the revision of this Treaty and give the necessary instructions to the Director General of WIPO for the preparation of such diplomatic conference.
3.   三、
(a) Each Contracting Party that is a State shall have one vote and shall vote only in its own name.
(b) Any Contracting Party that is an intergovernmental organization may participate in the vote, in place of its Member States, with a number of votes equal to the number of its Member States which are party to this Treaty. No such intergovernmental organization shall participate in the vote if any one of its Member States exercises its right to vote and vice versa.
4. The Assembly shall meet upon convocation by the Director General and, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, during the same period and at the same place as the General Assembly of WIPO.   四、大会应由总干事召集,如无例外情况,应与世界知识产权组织大会同时同地举行。
5. The Assembly shall endeavor to take its decisions by consensus and shall establish its own rules of procedure, including the convocation of extraordinary sessions, the requirements of a quorum and, subject to the provisions of this Treaty, the required majority for various kinds of decisions.   五、大会应努力通过协商一致作出决定,并应制定自己的议事规则,包括召集特别会议、法定人数的要求,以及按本条约的规定,作出各类决定所需的多数等规则。

Article 14
International Bureau


The International Bureau of WIPO shall perform the administrative tasks concerning this Treaty.   与本条约有关的行政工作应由世界知识产权组织国际局履行。

Article 15
Eligibility for Becoming Party to the Treaty


1. Any Member State of WIPO may become party to this Treaty.   一、世界知识产权组织的任何成员国均可以成为本条约的缔约方。
2. The Assembly may decide to admit any intergovernmental organization to become party to this Treaty which declares that it is competent in respect of, and has its own legislation binding on all its Member States on, matters covered by this Treaty and that it has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to become party to this Treaty.   二、如果任何政府间组织声明其对于本条约涵盖的事项具有权限并自身具有约束其所有成员国的立法,并声明其根据其内部程序被正式授权要求成为本条约的缔约方,大会可以决定接纳该政府间组织成为本条约的缔约方。
3. The European Union, having made the declaration referred to in the preceding paragraph at the Diplomatic Conference that has adopted this Treaty, may become party to this Treaty.   三、欧洲联盟在通过本条约的外交会议上作出上款提及的声明后,可以成为本条约的缔约方。

Article 16
Rights and Obligations Under the Treaty


Subject to any specific provisions to the contrary in this Treaty, each Contracting Party shall enjoy all of the rights and assume all of the obligations under this Treaty.   除本条约有任何相反的具体规定以外,每一缔约方均应享有本条约规定的一切权利并承担本条约规定的一切义务。

Article 17
Signature of the Treaty


This Treaty shall be open for signature at the Diplomatic Conference in Marrakesh, and thereafter at the headquarters of WIPO by any eligible party for one year after its adoption.   本条约通过后即在马拉喀什外交会议并随后在世界知识产权组织总部开放给任何有资格的有关方签署,期限一年。

Article 18
Entry into Force of the Treaty


This Treaty shall enter into force three months after 20 eligible parties referred to in Article 15 have deposited their instruments of ratification or accession.   本条约应在二十个第十五条所指的有资格的有关方交存批准书或加入书三个月之后生效。

Article 19
Effective Date of Becoming Party to the Treaty


This Treaty shall bind:   本条约应自下列日期起具有约束力:
(a) the 20 eligible parties referred to in Article 18, from the date on which this Treaty has entered into force;
(b) each other eligible party referred to in Article 15, from the expiration of three months from the date on which it has deposited its instrument of ratification or accession with the Director General of WIPO.

Article 20
Denunciation of the Treaty


This Treaty may be denounced by any Contracting Party by notification addressed to the Director General of WIPO. Any denunciation shall take effect one year from the date on which the Director General of WIPO received the notification.   任何缔约方均可以退出本条约,退约应通知世界知识产权组织总干事。任何退约应于世界知识产权组织总干事收到通知之日起一年后生效。

Article 21
Languages of the Treaty


1. This Treaty is signed in a single original in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish languages, the versions in all these languages being equally authentic.   一、本条约的签字原件为一份,以中文、阿拉伯文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文签署,各该文种的文本同等作准。
2. An official text in any language other than those referred to in Article 21(1) shall be established by the Director General of WIPO on the request of an interested party, after consultation with all the interested parties. For the purposes of this paragraph, "interested party" means any Member State of WIPO whose official language, or one of whose official languages, is involved and the European Union, and any other intergovernmental organization that may become party to this Treaty, if one of its official languages is involved.   二、除第二十一条第一款提到的语文外,任何其他语文的正式文本须由世界知识产权组织总干事应有关方请求,在与所有有关方磋商之后制定。在本款中,“有关方”系指涉及到其正式语文或正式语文之一的世界知识产权组织任何成员国,并且如果涉及到其正式语文之一,亦指欧洲联盟和可以成为本条约缔约方的任何其他政府间组织。

Article 22


The Director General of WIPO is the depositary of this Treaty.   世界知识产权组织总干事为本条约的保存人。
Done in Marrakesh on the 27th day of June, 2013.   2013年6月27日订于马拉喀什。
1 Agreed statement concerning Article 2(a): For the purposes of this Treaty, it is understood that this definition includes such works in audio form, such as audiobooks.  1 关于第二条第(一)项的议定声明:各方达成共识,为本条约的目的,该定义包括有声形式的此种作品,例如有声读物。
2 Agreed statement concerning Article 2(c): For the purposes of this Treaty, it is understood that "entities recognized by the government" may include entities receiving financial support from the government to provide education, instructional training, adaptive reading or information access to beneficiary persons on a non-profit basis. 2 关于第二条第(三)项的议定声明:各方达成共识,为本条约的目的,“得到政府承认的实体”可以包括接受政府财政支持,以非营利方式向受益人提供教育、指导培训、适应性阅读或信息渠道的实体。
3 Agreed statement concerning Article 3(b): Nothing in this language implies that "cannot be improved" requires the use of all possible medical diagnostic procedures and treatments. 3 关于第三条第(二)项的议定声明:此处的措辞不意味着“无法改善”必须使用所有可能的医学诊断程序和疗‍法。
4 Agreed statement concerning Article 4(3): It is understood that this paragraph neither reduces nor extends the scope of applicability of limitations and exceptions permitted under the Berne Convention, as regards the right of translation, with respect to persons with visual impairments or with other print disabilities. 4 关于第四条第三款的议定声明:各方达成共识,对于视力障碍或其他印刷品阅读障碍者而言,在翻译权方面,本款既不缩小也不扩大《伯尔尼公约》所允许的限制与例外的适用范围。
5 Agreed statement concerning Article 4(4): It is understood that a commercial availability requirement does not prejudge whether or not a limitation or exception under this Article is consistent with the three-step test. 5 关于第四条第四款的议定声明:各方达成共识,不得以商业可获得性要求为根据对依本条规定的限制或例外是否符合三步检验标准进行预先判定。
6 Agreed statement concerning Article 5(1): It is further understood that nothing in this Treaty reduces or extends the scope of exclusive rights under any other treaty. 6 关于第五条第一款的议定声明:另外,各方达成共识,本条约的任何内容均不缩小也不扩大任何其他条约规定的专有权的范围。
7 Agreed statement concerning Article 5(2): It is understood that, to distribute or make available accessible format copies directly to a beneficiary person in another Contracting Party, it may be appropriate for an authorized entity to apply further measures to confirm that the person it is serving is a beneficiary person and to follow its own practices as described in Article 2(c). 7 关于第五条第二款的议定声明:各方达成共识,为直接向另一缔约方的受益人发行或提供无障碍格式版,被授权实体采取进一步措施,确认其正在服务的人是受益人,并按第二条第(三)项所述遵循其自身的做法,可能是适当‍的。
8 Agreed statement concerning Article 5(4)(b): It is understood that nothing in this Treaty requires or implies that a Contracting Party adopt or apply the three-step test beyond its obligations under this instrument or under other international treaties. 8 关于第五条第四款第(二)项的议定声明:各方达成共识,本条约的任何内容均不要求或意味着缔约方在其依本文书或其他国际条约承担的义务以外采用或适用三步检验标准。
9 Agreed statement concerning Article 5(4)(b): It is understood that nothing in this Treaty creates any obligations for a Contracting Party to ratify or accede to the WCT or to comply with any of its provisions and nothing in this Treaty prejudices any rights, limitations and exceptions contained in the WCT. 9 关于第五条第四款第(二)项的议定声明:各方达成共识,本条约的任何内容均不对缔约方增加批准或加入《世界知识产权组织版权条约》或遵守其任何规定的任何义务,并且本条约的任何内容均不损害《世界知识产权组织版权条约》中所载的任何权利、限制和例外。
10 Agreed statement concerning Article 6: It is understood that the Contracting Parties have the same flexibilities set out in Article 4 when implementing their obligations under Article 6. 10 关于第六条的议定声明:各方达成共识,缔约各方在履行其依第六条承担的义务时,享有第四条所规定的相同灵活性。
11 Agreed statement concerning Article 7: It is understood that authorized entities, in various circumstances, choose to apply technological measures in the making, distribution and making available of accessible format copies and nothing herein disturbs such practices when in accordance with national law. 11 关于第七条的议定声明:各方达成共识,被授权实体在很多情况下选择在无障碍格式版的制作、发行和提供中采用技术措施,本条的任何内容均不对符合国内法的这种做法造成妨碍。
12 Agreed statement concerning Article 9: It is understood that Article 9 does not imply mandatory registration for authorized entities nor does it constitute a precondition for authorized entities to engage in activities recognized under this Treaty; but it provides for a possibility for sharing information to facilitate the cross-border exchange of accessible format copies. 12 关于第九条的议定声明:各方达成共识,第九条不意味着被授权实体的强制登记,也不构成被授权实体从事本条约所承认的各种活动的前提条件;该条规定的是可以开展信息共享,为无障碍格式版的跨境交换提供便利。
13 Agreed statement concerning Article 10(2): It is understood that when a work qualifies as a work under Article 2(a), including such works in audio form, the limitations and exceptions provided for by this Treaty apply mutatis mutandis to related rights as necessary to make the accessible format copy, to distribute it and to make it available to beneficiary persons. 13 关于第十条第二款的议定声明:各方达成共识,当作品属于第二条第(一)项规定的作品,包括有声形式的此种作品时,出于制作、发行和向受益人提供无障碍格式版的需要,本条约规定的限制与例外比照适用于相关权。