Patent Law Treaty


adopted at Geneva on June 1, 2000 2000年6月1日于日内瓦通过

Article 1
Abbreviated Expressions


For the purposes of this Treaty, unless expressly stated otherwise:   在本条约中,除另有明确说明外:
(i) “Office” means the authority of a Contracting Party entrusted with the granting of patents or with other matters covered by this Treaty;
(ii) “application” means an application for the grant of a patent, as referred to in Article 3;
(iii) “patent” means a patent as referred to in Article 3;
(iv) references to a “person” shall be construed as including, in particular, a natural person and a legal entity;
(v) “communication” means any application, or any request, declaration, document, correspondence or other information relating to an application or patent, whether relating to a procedure under this Treaty or not, which is filed with the Office;
(vi) “records of the Office” means the collection of information maintained by the Office, relating to and including the applications filed with, and the patents granted by, that Office or another authority with effect for the Contracting Party concerned, irrespective of the medium in which such information is maintained;
(vii) “recordation” means any act of including information in the records of the Office;
(viii) “applicant” means the person whom the records of the Office show, pursuant to the applicable law, as the person who is applying for the patent, or as another person who is filing or prosecuting the application;
(ix) “owner” means the person whom the records of the Office show as the owner of the patent;
(x) “representative” means a representative under the applicable law;
(xi) “signature” means any means of self-identification;
(xii) “a language accepted by the Office” means any one language accepted by the Office for the relevant procedure before the Office;
(xiii) “translation” means a translation into a language or, where appropriate, a transliteration into an alphabet or character set, accepted by the Office;
(xiv) “procedure before the Office” means any procedure in proceedings before the Office with respect to an application or patent;
(xv) except where the context indicates otherwise, words in the singular include the plural, and vice versa, and masculine personal pronouns include the feminine;
(xvi) “Paris Convention” means the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, signed on March 20, 1883, as revised and amended;
(xvii) “Patent Cooperation Treaty” means the Patent Cooperation Treaty, signed on June 19, 1970, together with the Regulations and the Administrative Instructions under that Treaty, as revised, amended and modified;
(xviii) “Contracting Party” means any State or inter-governmental organization that is party to this Treaty;
(xix) “applicable law” means, where the Contracting Party is a State, the law of that State and, where the Contracting Party is an intergovernmental organization, the legal enactments under which that intergovernmental organization operates;
(xx) “instrument of ratification” shall be construed as including instruments of acceptance or approval;
(xxi) “Organization” means the World Intellectual Property Organization;
(xxii) “International Bureau” means the International Bureau of the Organization;
(xxiii) “Director General” means the Director General of the Organization.

Article 2
General Principles


(1) [More Favorable Requirements] A Contracting Party shall be free to provide for requirements which, from the viewpoint of applicants and owners, are more favorable than the requirements referred to in this Treaty and the Regulations, other than Article 5.   一、[更为有利的要求]除第五条外,缔约方应可自由规定从申请人和所有人的观点看来比本条约和实施细则所述的要求更为有利的要求。
(2) [No Regulation of Substantive Patent Law] Nothing in this Treaty or the Regulations is intended to be construed as prescribing anything that would limit the freedom of a Contracting Party to prescribe such requirements of the applicable substantive law relating to patents as it desires.   二、[不对实体专利法作任何规定]本条约或实施细则中,没有任何一项规定的意图可以解释为将限制缔约方按其意志规定可适用的实体专利法要求的自由。

Article 3
Applications and Patents to Which the Treaty Applies


(1) [Applications]   一、[申请]
(a) The provisions of this Treaty and the Regulations shall apply to national and regional applications for patents for invention and for invention and for patents of addition, which are filed with or for the Office of a Contracting Party, and which are:
(i) types of applications permitted to be filed as international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty;
(ii) divisional applications of the types of applications referred to in item (i), for patents for invention or for patents of addition, as referred to in Article 4G(1) or (2) of the Paris Convention.
(b) Subject to the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the provisions of this Treaty and the Regulations shall apply to international applications, for patents for invention and for patents of addition, under the Patent Cooperation Treaty:
(i) in respect of the time limits applicable under Articles 22 and 39(1) of the Patent Cooperation Treaty in the Office of a Contracting Party;
(ii) in respect of any procedure commenced on or after the date on which processing or examination of the international application may start under Article 23 or 40 of that Treaty.
(2) [Patents] The provisions of this Treaty and the Regulations shall apply to national and regional patents for invention, and to national and regional patents of addition, which have been granted with effect for a Contracting Party.   二、[专利]本条约和实施细则的规定应适用于已经授权并对缔约方有效的国家和地区发明专利和国家以及地区增补专利。

Article 4
Security Exception


Nothing in this Treaty and the Regulations shall limit the freedom of a Contracting Party to take any action it deems necessary for the preservation of essential security interests.   本条约和实施细则的任何内容均不得限制缔约方采取它认为是为保护基本安全利益所必需采取的任何行动的自由。

Article 5
Filing Date


(1) [Elements of Application]   一、[申请的组成部分]
(a) Except as otherwise prescribed in the Regulations, and subject to paragraphs (2) to (8), a Contracting Party shall provide that the filing date of an application shall be the date on which its Office has received all of the following elements, filed, at the option of the applicant, on paper or as otherwise permitted by the Office for the purposes of the filing date:
(i) an express or implicit indication to the effect that the elements are intended to be an application;
(ii) indications allowing the identity of the applicant to be established or allowing the applicant to be contacted by the Office;
(iii) a part which on the face of it appears to be a description.
(b) A Contracting Party may, for the purposes of the filing date, accept a drawing as the element referred to in subparagraph (a)(iii).
(c) For the purposes of the filing date, a Contracting Party may require both information allowing the identity of the applicant to be established and information allowing the applicant to be contacted by the Office, or it may accept evidence allowing the identity of the applicant to be established or allowing the applicant to be contacted by the Office, as the element referred to in subparagraph (a)(ii).
(2) [Language]   二、[语言]
(a) A Contracting Party may require that the indications referred to in paragraph (1)(a)(i) and (ii) be in a language accepted by the Office.
(b) The part referred to in paragraph (1)(a)(iii) may, for the purposes of the filing date, be filed in any language.
(3) [Notification] Where the application does not comply with one or more of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) and (2), the Office shall, as soon as practicable, notify the applicant, giving the opportunity to comply with any such requirement, and to make observations, within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations.   三、[通知]如果申请未遵守缔约方依本条第一款和第二款所适用的一项或多项要求,主管局应尽可能迅速地通知申请人,并为在实施细则规定的期限内遵守任何此种要求和陈述意见提供机会。
(4) [Subsequent Compliance with Requirements]   四、[随后遵守要求]
(a) Where one or more of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) and (2) are not complied with in the application as initially filed, the filing date shall, subject to subparagraph (b) and paragraph (6), be the date on which all of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) and (2) are subsequently complied with.
(b) A Contracting Party may provide that, where one or more of the requirements referred to in subparagraph (a) are not complied with within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations, the application shall be deemed not to have been filed. Where the application is deemed not to have been filed, the Office shall notify the applicant accordingly, indicating the reasons therefor.
(5) [Notification Concerning Missing Part of Description or Drawing] Where, in establishing the filing date, the Office finds that a part of the description appears to be missing from the application, or that the application refers to a drawing which appears to be missing from the application, the Office shall promptly notify the applicant accordingly.   五、[关于遗漏说明书某部分或附图的通知]如果在确定申请日时,主管局发现申请中似乎遗漏说明书某部分,或发现申请中述及某附图但却似乎遗漏该附图,主管局应立即就此通知申请人。
(6) [Filing Date Where Missing Part of Description or Drawing Is Filed]   六、[提交遗漏的说明书部分或附图时的申请日]
(a) Where a missing part of the description or a missing drawing is filed with the Office within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations, that part of the description or drawing shall be included in the application, and, subject to subparagraphs (b) and (c), the filing date shall be the date on which the Office has received that part of the description or that drawing, or the date on which all of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) and (2) are complied with, whichever is later.
(b) Where the missing part of the description or the missing drawing is filed under subparagraph (a) to rectify its omission from an application which, at the date on which one or more elements referred to in paragraph (1)(a) were first received by the Office, claims the priority of an earlier application, the filing date shall, upon the request of the applicant filed within a time limit prescribed in the Regulations, and subject to the requirements prescribed in the Regulations, be the date on which all the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) and (2) are complied with.
(c) Where the missing part of the description or the missing drawing filed under subparagraph (a) is withdrawn within a time limit fixed by the Contracting Party, the filing date shall be the date on which the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) and (2) are complied with.
(7) [Replacing Description and Drawings by Reference to a Previously Filed Application]   七、[述及以前提交的申请以取代说明书和附图]
(a) Subject to the requirements prescribed in the Regulations, a reference, made upon the filing of the application, in a language accepted by the Office, to a previously filed application shall, for the purposes of the filing date of the application, replace the description and any drawings.
(b) Where the requirements referred to in subparagraph (a) are not complied with, the application may be deemed not to have been filed. Where the application is deemed not to have been filed, the Office shall notify the applicant accordingly, indicating the reasons therefor.
(8) [Exceptions] Nothing in this Article shall limit:   八、[例外]本条中的任何内容均不得限制:
(i) the right of an applicant under Article 4G(1) or (2) of the Paris Convention to preserve, as the date of a divisional application referred to in that Article, the date of the initial application referred to in that Article and the benefit of the right of priority, if any;
(ii) the freedom of a Contracting Party to apply any requirements necessary to accord the benefit of the filing date of an earlier application to an application of any type prescribed in the Regulations.

Article 6


(1) [Form or Contents of Application] Except where otherwise provided for by this Treaty, no Contracting Party shall require compliance with any requirement relating to the form or contents of an application different from or additional to:   一、[申请的形式或内容]除本条约另有规定外,任何缔约方不得要求遵守任何不同于或超出以下各项的关于申请的形式或内容的要求:
(i) the requirements relating to form or contents which are provided for in respect of international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty;
(ii) the requirements relating to form or contents compliance with which, under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, may be required by the Office of, or acting for, any State party to that Treaty once the processing or examination of an international application, as referred to in Article 23 or 40 of the said Treaty, has started;
(iii) any further requirements prescribed in the Regulations.
(2) [Request Form]   二、[请求书表格]
(a) A Contracting Party may require that the contents of an application which correspond to the contents of the request of an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty be presented on a request Form prescribed by that Contracting Party. A Contracting Party may also require that any further contents allowed underparagraph (1)(ii) or prescribed in the Regulations pursuant to paragraph (1)(iii) be contained in that request Form.
(b) Notwithstanding subparagraph (a), and subject to Article 8(1), a Contracting Party shall accept the presentation of the contents referred to in subparagraph (a) on a request Form provided for in the Regulations.
(3) [Translation] A Contracting Party may require a translation of any part of the application that is not in a language accepted by its Office. A Contracting Party may also require a translation of the parts of the application, as prescribed in the Regulations, that are in a language accepted by the Office, into any other languages accepted by that Office.   三、[译文]缔约方可要求提供申请中未使用其主管局接受的语言的任何部分的译文。缔约方还可要求,申请中使用主管局接受的语言提交的、实施细则所规定的部分,须提供译成该局所接受的任何其他语言的译文。
(4) [Fees] A Contracting Party may require that fees be paid in respect of the application. A Contracting Party may apply the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty relating to payment of application fees.   四、[费用]缔约方可要求对申请缴纳费用。缔约方可适用《专利合作条约》有关缴纳申请费用方面的规定。
(5) [Priority Document] Where the priority of an earlier application is claimed, a Contracting Party may require that a copy of the earlier application, and a translation where the earlier application is not in a language accepted by the Office, be filed in accordance with the requirements prescribed in the Regulations.   五、[优先权文件]对在先申请提出优先权要求的,缔约方可要求,须根据实施细则规定的要求提交一份该在先申请的副本,并在该在先申请未使用主管局接受的语言的情况下,提交一份译文。
(6) [Evidence] A Contracting Party may require that evidence in respect of any matter referred to in paragraph (1) or (2) or in a declaration of priority, or any translation referred to in paragraph (3) or (5), be filed with its Office in the course of the processing of the application only where that Office may reasonably doubt the veracity of that matter or the accuracy of that translation.   六、[证据]缔约方可要求,只有在其主管局可能有理由对本条第一款或第二款中或优先权声明中所述任何事项的真实性,或对本条第三款或第五款所述任何译文的准确性产生怀疑的情况下,方须在处理申请的过程中向该局提供该事项或该译文的证据。
(7) [Notification] Where one or more of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) to (6) are not complied with, the Office shall notify the applicant, giving the opportunity to comply with any such requirement, and to make observations, within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations.   七、[通知]如果缔约方依本条第一、至六款所适用的一项或多项要求未得到遵守,主管局应通知申请人、并为在实施细则规定的期限内遵守任何此种要求和陈述意见提供机会。
(8) [Non-Compliance with Requirements]   八、[未遵守要求]
(a) Where one or more of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) to (6) are not complied with within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations, the Contracting Party may, subject to subparagraph (b) and Articles 5 and 10, apply such sanction as is provided for in its law.
(b) Where any requirement applied by the Contracting Party under paragraph (1), (5) or (6) in respect of a priority claim is not complied with within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations, the priority claim may, subject to Article 13, be deemed non-existent. Subject to Article 5(7)(b), no other sanctions may be applied.

Article 7


(1) [Representatives]   一、[代表]
(a) A Contracting Party may require that a representative appointed for the purposes of any procedure before the Office:
(i) have the right, under the applicable law, to practice before the Office in respect of applications and patents;
(ii) provide, as his address, an address on a territory prescribed by the Contracting Party.
(b) Subject to subparagraph (c), an act, with respect to any procedure before the Office, by or in relation to a representative who complies with the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under subparagraph (a), shall have the effect of an act by or in relation to the applicant, owner or other interested person who appointed that representative.
(c) A Contracting Party may provide that, in the case of an oath or declaration or the revocation of a power of attorney, the signature of a representative shall not have the effect of the signature of the applicant, owner or other interested person who appointed that representative.
(2) [Mandatory Representation]   二、[强制代表]
(a) A Contracting Party may require that an applicant, owner or other interested person appoint a representative for the purposes of any procedure before the Office, except that an assignee of an application, an applicant, owner or other interested person may act himself before the Office for the following procedures:
(i) the filing of an application for the purposes of the filing date;
(ii) the mere payment of a fee;
(iii) any other procedure as prescribed in the Regulations;
(iv) the issue of a receipt or notification by the Office in respect of any procedure referred to in items (i) to (iii).
(b) A maintenance fee may be paid by any person.
(3) [Appointment of Representative] A Contracting Party shall accept that the appointment of the representative be filed with the Office in a manner prescribed in the Regulations.   三、[指定代表]缔约方应接受,代表的指定须以实施细则规定的方式向主管局作出。
(4) [Prohibition of Other Requirements] No Contracting Party may require that formal requirements other than those referred to in paragraphs (1) to (3) be complied with in respect of the matters dealt with in those paragraphs, except where otherwise provided for by this Treaty or prescribed in the Regulations.   四、[禁止其他要求]除本条约或实施细则另有规定外,任何缔约方不得要求在本条第一、至三款所涉事项方面须遵守各该款所述以外的形式要求。
(5) [Notification] Where one or more of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) to (3) are not complied with, the Office shall notify the assignee of the application, applicant, owner or other interested person, giving the opportunity to comply with any such requirement, and to make observations, within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations.   五、[通知]如果缔约方依本条第一、至三款所适用的一项或多项要求未得到遵守,主管局应通知申请的受让人、申请人、所有人或其他利害关系人,并为在实施细则规定的期限内遵守任何此种要求和陈述意见提供机会。
(6) [Non-Compliance with Requirements] Where one or more of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) to (3) are not complied with within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations, the Contracting Party may apply such sanction as is provided for in its law.   六、[未遵守要求]如果缔约方依本条第一、至三款所适用的一项或多项要求在实施细则规定的期限内未得到遵守,缔约方可根据其法律规定实行制裁。

Article 8
Communications; Addresses


(1) [Form and Means of Transmittal of Communications]   一、[传送来文的形式和手段]
(a) Except for the establishment of a filing date under Article 5(1), and subject to Article 6(1), the Regulations shall, subject to subparagraphs (b) to (d), set out the requirements which a Contracting Party shall be permitted to apply as regards the form and means of transmittal of communications.
(b) No Contracting Party shall be obliged to accept the filing of communications other than on paper.
(c) No Contracting Party shall be obliged to exclude the filing of communications on paper.
(d) A Contracting Party shall accept the filing of communications on paper for the purpose of complying with a time limit.
(2) [Language of Communications] A Contracting Party may, except where otherwise provided for by this Treaty or the Regulations, require that a communication be in a language accepted by the Office.   二、[来文的语言]除本条约或实施细则另有规定外,缔约方可要求来文使用主管局接受的语言。
(3) [Model International Forms] Notwithstanding paragraph (1)(a), and subject to paragraph (1)(b) and Article 6(2)(b), a Contracting Party shall accept the presentation of the contents of a communication on a Form which corresponds to a Model International Form in respect of such a communication provided for in the Regulations, if any.   三、[示范国际表格]尽管有本条第一款(一)项的规定,在遵守本条第一款(二)项和第六条第二款(二)项的前提下,缔约方应接受用与实施细则对此种来文规定的示范国际表格相符(如有的话)的表格提交来文的内容。
(4) [Signature of Communications]   四、[来文的签字]
(a) Where a Contracting Party requires a signature for the purposes of any communication, that Contracting Party shall accept any signature that complies with the requirements prescribed in the Regulations.
(b) No Contracting Party may require the attestation, notarization, authentication, legalization or other certification of any signature which is communicated to its Office, except in respect of any quasi-judicial proceedings or as prescribed in the Regulations.
(c) Subject to subparagraph (b), a Contracting Party may require that evidence be filed with the Office only where the Office may reasonably doubt the authenticity of any signature.
(5) [Indications in Communications] A Contracting Party may require that any communication contain one or more indications prescribed in the Regulations.   五、[来文中的说明]缔约方可要求任何来文中均载有实施细则所规定的一项或多项说明。
(6) [Address for Correspondence, Address for Legal Service and Other Address] A Contracting Party may, subject to any provisions prescribed in the Regulations, require that an applicant, owner or other interested person indicate in any communication:   六、[通信地址、送达地址及其他地址]在遵守实施细则所作任何规定的前提下,缔约方可要求申请人、所有人或其他利害关系人在任何来文中说明:
(i) an address for correspondence;
(ii) an address for legal service;
(iii) any other address provided for in the Regulations.
(7) [Notification] Where one or more of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) to (6) are not complied with in respect of communications, the Office shall notify the applicant, owner or other interested person, giving the opportunity to comply with any such requirement, and to make observations, within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations.   七、[通知]如果缔约方依本条第一、至六款对来文所适用的一项或多项要求未得到遵守,主管局应通知申请人、所有人或其他利害关系人,并为在实施细则规定的期限内遵守任何此种要求和陈述意见提供机会。
(8) [Non-Compliance with Requirements] Where one or more of the requirements applied by the Contracting Party under paragraphs (1) to (6) are not complied with within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations, the Contracting Party may, subject to Articles 5 and 10 and to any exceptions prescribed in the Regulations, apply such sanction as is provided for in its law.   八、[未遵守要求]如果缔约方依本条第一至第六款所适用的一项或多项要求在实施细则规定的期限内未得到遵守,除第五和第十条的规定和实施细则所规定的任何例外以外,缔约方可根据其法律规定实行制裁。

Article 9


(1) [Sufficient Notification] Any notification under this Treaty or the Regulations which is sent by the Office to an address for correspondence or address for legal service indicated under Article 8(6), or any other address provided for in the Regulations for the purpose of this provision, and which complies with the provisions with respect to that notification, shall constitute a sufficient notification for the purposes of this Treaty and the Regulations.   一、[充分通知]依本条约或实施细则的任何通知,只要是由主管局按照依第八条第六款所说明的通信地址或送达地址或者按照实施细则为本条规定的目的所规定的任何其他地址发出的,并符合有关该通知的各项规定,即应构成为本条约和实施细则目的的充分通知。
(2) [If Indications Allowing Contact Were Not Filed] Nothing in this Treaty and in the Regulations shall oblige a Contracting Party to send a notification to an applicant, owner or other interested person, if indications allowing that applicant, owner or other interested person to be contacted have not been filed with the Office.   二、[如未提交能与之取得联系的说明]如果未向主管局提交能与申请人、所有人或其他利害关系人取得联系的说明,本条约和实施细则的任何内容均不得要求缔约方必须向申请人、所有人或其他利害关系人发出通知。
(3) [Failure to Notify] Subject to Article 10(1), where an Office does not notify an applicant, owner or other interested person of a failure to comply with any requirement under this Treaty or the Regulations, that absence of notification does not relieve that applicant, owner or other interested person of the obligation to comply with that requirement.   三、[未作出通知]除第十条第一款规定以外,如果主管局未将本条约或实施细则的任何规定未得到遵守这一事实通知申请人、所有人或其他利害关系人,不得因未作出通知而免除申请人、所有人或其他利害关系人遵守该要求的义务。

Article 10
Validity of Patent; Revocation


(1) [Validity of Patent Not Affected by Non-Compliance with Certain Formal Requirements] Non-compliance with one or more of the formal requirements referred to in Articles 6(1), (2), (4) and (5) and 8(1) to (4) with respect to an application may not be a ground for revocation or invalidation of a patent, either totally or in part, except where the non-compliance with the formal requirement occurred as a result of a fraudulent intention.   一、[专利的有效性不受未遵守若干形式要求的影响]不得以第六条第一、第二、第四和第五款以及第八条第一至第四款所述的关于申请的一项或多项形式要求未得到遵守为由,而全部或部分地撤销专利或宣告其无效,但因欺诈的意图致使未遵守形式要求者除外。
(2) [Opportunity to Make Observations, Amendments or Corrections in Case of Intended Revocation or Invalidation] A patent may not be revoked or invalidated, either totally or in part, without the owner being given the opportunity to make observations on the intended revocation or invalidation, and to make amendments and corrections where permitted under the applicable law, within a reasonable time limit.   二、[在准备撤销或宣告无效时陈述意见、作出修正或更正的机会]未给予所有人机会以在合理期限内对准备撤销或宣告无效陈述意见,并在可适用的法律的允许下作出修正或更正的,不得全部或部分地撤销专利或宣告其无效。
(3) [No Obligation for Special Procedures] Paragraphs (1) and (2) do not create any obligation to put in place judicial procedures for the enforcement of patent rights distinct from those for the enforcement of law in general.   三、[无设立特别程序的义务]本条第一款和第二款不产生任何设立用于专利权执法的、有别于一般执法程序的司法程序的义务。

Article 11
Relief in Respect of Time Limits


(1) [Extension of Time Limits] A Contracting Party may provide for the extension, for the period prescribed in the Regulations, of a time limit fixed by the Office for an action in a procedure before the Office in respect of an application or a patent, if a request to that effect is made to the Office in accordance with the requirements prescribed in the Regulations, and the request is filed, at the option of the Contracting Party:   一、[期限的延长]缔约方的主管局收到对按实施细则规定的要求向该局提出的延长期限的请求,并且该请求根据缔约方的选择是在以下时间提交的,该缔约方可按实施细则规定的时间将该局对申请或专利采取该局程序中的行动所确定的期限延长:
(i) prior to the expiration of the time limit; or
(ii) after the expiration of the time limit, and within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations.
(2) [Continued Processing] Where an applicant or owner has failed to comply with a time limit fixed by the Office of a Contracting Party for an action in a procedure before the Office in respect of an application or a patent, and that Contracting Party does not provide for extension of a time limit under paragraph (1)(ii), the Contracting Party shall provide for continued processing with respect to the application or patent and, if necessary, reinstatement of the rights of the applicant or owner with respect to that application or patent, if:   二、[继续处理]申请人或所有人未能遵守缔约方的主管局对申请或专利采取该局程序中的行动所确定的期限,并且该缔约方未依本条第一款第(2)项规定将期限延长的,如果符合以下规定,该缔约方应规定可继续对申请或专利进行处理并在必要时恢复申请人或所有人对该申请或专利的权利:
(i) a request to that effect is made to the Office in accordance with the requirements prescribed in the Regulations;
(ii) the request is filed, and all of the requirements in respect of which the time limit for the action concerned applied are complied with, within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations.
(3) [Exceptions] No Contracting Party shall be required to provide for the relief referred to in paragraph (1) or (2) with respect to the exceptions prescribed in the Regulations.   三、[例外]不得要求任何缔约方对实施细则所规定的例外给予本条第一款或第二款所述的救济。
(4) [Fees] A Contracting Party may require that a fee be paid in respect of a request under paragraph (1) or (2).   四、[费用]缔约方可要求对本条第一款或第二款所述的请求缴纳费用。
(5) [Prohibition of Other Requirements] No Contracting Party may require that requirements other than those referred to in paragraphs (1) to (4) be complied with in respect of the relief provided for under paragraph (1) or (2), except where otherwise provided for by this Treaty or prescribed in the Regulations.   五、[禁止其他要求]除本条约或实施细则另有规定外,任何缔约方不得要求在本条第一款或第二款所规定的救济方面须遵守本条第一、至四款所述以外的要求。
(6) [Opportunity to Make Observations in Case of Intended Refusal] A request under paragraph (1) or (2) may not be refused without the applicant or owner being given the opportunity to make observations on the intended refusal within a reasonable time limit.   六、[在准备驳回时陈述意见的机会]未给予申请人或所有人机会以在合理期限内对准备驳回陈述意见的,不得驳回依本条第一款或第二款提出的请求。

Article 12
Reinstatement of Rights After a Finding of Due Care or Unintentionality by the Office


(1) [Request] A Contracting Party shall provide that, where an applicant or owner has failed to comply with a time limit for an action in a procedure before the Office, and that failure has the direct consequence of causing a loss of rights with respect to an application or patent, the Office shall reinstate the rights of the applicant or owner with respect to the application or patent concerned, if:   一、[请求]缔约方应规定,申请人或所有人未能遵守采取主管局的程序中的行动所适用的期限,并且因未遵守期限而直接带来丧失对申请或专利的权利的后果的,如果符合以下规定,该局应恢复申请人或所有人对该有关申请或专利的权利:
(i) a request to that effect is made to the Office in accordance with the requirements prescribed in the Regulations;
(ii) the request is filed, and all of the requirements in respect of which the time limit for the said action applied are complied with, within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations;
(iii) the request states the reasons for the failure to comply with the time limit; and
(iv) the Office finds that the failure to comply with the time limit occurred in spite of due care required by the circumstances having been taken or, at the option of the Contracting Party, that any delay was unintentional.
(2) [Exceptions] No Contracting Party shall be required to provide for the reinstatement of rights under paragraph (1) with respect to the exceptions prescribed in the Regulations.   二、[例外]不得要求任何缔约方对实施细则所规定的例外予以本条第一款所述的权利恢复。
(3) [Fees] A Contracting Party may require that a fee be paid in respect of a request under paragraph (1).   三、[费用]缔约方可要求对本条第一款所述的请求缴纳费用。
(4) [Evidence] A Contracting Party may require that a declaration or other evidence in support of the reasons referred to in paragraph (1)(iii) be filed with the Office within a time limit fixed by the Office.   四、[证据]缔约方可要求在主管局确定的期限内,向该局提供证实本条第一款第(3)项所述理由的声明或其他证据。
(5) [Opportunity to Make Observations in Case of Intended Refusal] A request under paragraph (1) may not be refused, totally or in part, without the requesting party being given the opportunity to make observations on the intended refusal within a reasonable time limit.   五、[在准备驳回时陈述意见的机会]未给予请求方机会以在合理期限内对准备驳回陈述意见的,不得全部或部分地驳回依本条第一款提出的请求。

Article 13
Correction or Addition of Priority Claim; Restoration of Priority Right


(1) [Correction or Addition of Priority Claim] Except where otherwise prescribed in the Regulations, a Contracting Party shall provide for the correction or addition of a priority claim with respect to an application (“the subsequent application”), if:   一、[优先权要求的更正或增加]除实施细则另有规定外,如果符合以下规定,缔约方应规定可更正或增加一项申请(“后一申请”)的优先权要求:
(i) a request to that effect is made to the Office in accordance with the requirements prescribed in the Regulations;
(ii) the request is filed within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations; and
(iii) the filing date of the subsequent application is not later than the date of the expiration of the priority period calculated from the filing date of the earliest application whose priority is claimed.
(2) [Delayed Filing of the Subsequent Application] Taking into consideration Article 15, a Contracting Party shall provide that, where an application (“the subsequent application”) which claims or could have claimed the priority of an earlier application has a filing date which is later than the date on which the priority period expired, but within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations, the Office shall restore the right of priority, if:   二、[后一申请的推迟提交]考虑到本条约第十五条,缔约方应规定,对某在先申请提出优先权要求或本可提出优先权要求的申请(“后一申请”),其申请日晚于优先权期限届满之日但在实施细则规定的期限之内的,如果符合以下规定,主管局应恢复优先权:
(i) a request to that effect is made to the Office in accordance with the requirements prescribed in the Regulations;
(ii) the request is filed within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations;
(iii) the request states the reasons for the failure to comply with the priority period; and
(iv) the Office finds that the failure to file the subsequent application within the priority period occurred in spite of due care required by the circumstances having been taken or, at the option of the Contracting Party, was unintentional.
(3) [Failure to File a Copy of Earlier Application] A Contracting Party shall provide that, where a copy of an earlier application required under Article 6(5) is not filed with the Office within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations pursuant to Article 6, the Office shall restore the right of priority, if:   三、[未提供在先申请副本]缔约方应规定,在实施细则根据第六条所规定的期限之内未向主管局提交第六条第五款所要求提交的在先申请副本的,如果符合以下规定,该局应恢复优先权:
(i) a request to that effect is made to the Office in accordance with the requirements prescribed in the Regulations;
(ii) the request is filed within the time limit for filing the copy of the earlier application prescribed in the Regulations pursuant to Article 6(5);
(iii) the Office finds that the request for the copy to be provided had been filed with the Office with which the earlier application was filed, within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations; and
(iv) a copy of the earlier application is filed within the time limit prescribed in the Regulations.
(4) [Fees] A Contracting Party may require that a fee be paid in respect of a request under paragraphs (1) to (3).   四、[费用]缔约方可要求对本条第一至第三款所述的请求缴纳费用。
(5) [Evidence] A Contracting Party may require that a declaration or other evidence in support of the reasons referred to in paragraph (2)(iii) be filed with the Office within a time limit fixed by the Office.   五、[证据]缔约方可要求在主管局确定的期限之内,向该局提交证实本条第二款第(3)项所述理由的声明或其他证据。
(6) [Opportunity to Make Observations in Case of Intended Refusal] A request under paragraphs (1) to (3) may not be refused, totally or in part, without the requesting party being given the opportunity to make observations on the intended refusal within a reasonable time limit.   六、[在准备驳回时陈述意见的机会]未给予请求方机会以在合理期限内就准备驳回陈述意见的,不得全部或部分地驳回依本条第一至第三款提出的请求。

Article 14


(1) [Content]   一、[内容]
(a) The Regulations annexed to this Treaty provide rules concerning:
(i) matters which this Treaty expressly provides are to be “prescribed in the Regulations”;
(ii) details useful in the implementation of the provisions of this Treaty;
(iii) administrative requirements, matters or procedures.
(b) The Regulations also provide rules concerning the formal requirements which a Contracting Party shall be permitted to apply in respect of requests for:
(i) recordation of change in name or address;
(ii) recordation of change in applicant or owner;
(iii) recordation of a license or a security interest;
(iv) correction of a mistake.
(c) The Regulations also provide for the establishment of Model International Forms, and for the establishment of a request Form for the purposes of Article 6(2)(b), by the Assembly, with the assistance of the International Bureau.
(2) [Amending the Regulations] Subject to paragraph (3), any amendment of the Regulations shall require three-fourths of the votes cast.   二、[实施细则的修正]除本条第三款规定以外,对实施细则的任何修正需有所投票数的四分之三。
(3) [Requirement of Unanimity]   三、[对一致同意的要求]
(a) The Regulations may specify provisions of the Regulations which may be amended only by unanimity.
(b) Any amendment of the Regulations resulting in the addition of provisions to, or the deletion of provisions from, the provisions specified in the Regulations pursuant to subparagraph (a) shall require unanimity.
(c) In determining whether unanimity is attained, only votes actually cast shall be taken into consideration. Abstentions shall not be considered as votes.
(4) [Conflict Between the Treaty and the Regulations] In the case of conflict between the provisions of this Treaty and those of the Regulations, the former shall prevail.   四、[本条约与实施细则之间相抵触]本条约的规定与实施细则的规定之间发生抵触时,应以前者为准。

Article 15
Relation to the Paris Convention


(1) [Obligation to Comply with the Paris Convention] Each Contracting Party shall comply with the provisions of the Paris Convention which concern patents.   一、[遵守《巴黎公约》的义务]每一缔约方均应遵守《巴黎公约》关于专利的规定。
(2) [Obligations and Rights Under the Paris Convention]   二、[依《巴黎公约》的义务和权利]
(a) Nothing in this Treaty shall derogate from obligations that Contracting Parties have to each other under the Paris Convention.
(b) Nothing in this Treaty shall derogate from rights that applicants and owners enjoy under the Paris Convention.

Article 16
Effect of Revisions, Amendments and Modifications of the Patent Cooperation Treaty


(1) [Applicability of Revisions, Amendments and Modifications of the Patent Cooperation Treaty] Subject to paragraph (2), any revision, amendment or modification of the Patent Cooperation Treaty made after June 2, 2000, which is consistent with the Articles of this Treaty, shall apply for the purposes of this Treaty and the Regulations if the Assembly so decides, in the particular case, by three-fourths of the votes cast.   一、[《专利合作条约》的修订、修正和修改的可适用性]除本条第二款规定以外,2000年6月2日之后对《专利合作条约》作出的与本条约的各条规定相一致的任何修订、修正或修改,如果大会经投票的四分之三票数就各具体情况作出关于予以适用的决定,即应适用于本条约和实施细则。
(2) [Non-Applicability of Transitional Provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty] Any provision of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, by virtue of which a revised, amended or modified provision of that Treaty does not apply to a State party to it, or to the Office of or acting for such a State, for as long as the latter provision is incompatible with the law applied by that State or Office, shall not apply for the purposes of this Treaty and the Regulations.   二、[《专利合作条约》过渡规定的不可适用性]如果根据《专利合作条约》的任何规定,该条约的经修订、修正或修改的规定只要继续与该条约的缔约国或者此种缔约国的主管局或代表此种缔约国的主管局所适用的国内法不一致,即不适用于该国或该主管局,则该前述的任何规定不得适用于本条约和实施细则。

Article 17


(1) [Composition]   一、[组成]
(a) The Contracting Parties shall have an Assembly.
(b) Each Contracting Party shall be represented in the Assembly by one delegate, who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors and experts. Each delegate may represent only one Contracting Party.
(2) [Tasks] The Assembly shall:   二、[任务]大会应:
(i) deal with matters concerning the maintenance and development of this Treaty and the application and operation of this Treaty;
(ii) establish Model International Forms, and the request Form, referred to in Article 14(1)(c), with the assistance of the International Bureau;
(iii) amend the Regulations;
(iv) determine the conditions for the date of application of each Model International Form, and the request Form, referred to in item (ii), and each amendment referred to initem (iii);
(v) decide, pursuant to Article 16(1), whether any revision, amendment or modification of the Patent Cooperation Treaty shall apply for the purposes of this Treaty and the Regulations;
(vi) perform such other functions as are appropriate under this Treaty.
(3) [Quorum]   三、[法定人数]
(a) One-half of the members of the Assembly which are States shall constitute a quorum.
(b) Notwithstanding subparagraph (a), if, in any session, the number of the members of the Assembly which are States and are represented is less than one-half but equal to or more than one-third of the members of the Assembly which are States, the Assembly may make decisions but, with the exception of decisions concerning its own procedure, all such decisions shall take effect only if the conditions set forth hereinafter are fulfilled. The International Bureau shall communicate the said decisions to the members of the Assembly which are States and were not represented and shall invite them to express in writing their vote or abstention within a period of three months from the date of the communication. If, at the expiration of this period, the number of such members having thus expressed their vote or abstention attains the number of the members which was lacking for attaining the quorum in the session itself, such decisions shall take effect, provided that at the same time the required majority still obtains.
(4) [Taking Decisions in the Assembly]   四、[在大会上表决]
(a) The Assembly shall endeavor to take its decisions by consensus.
(b) Where a decision cannot be arrived at by consensus, the matter at issue shall be decided by voting. In such a case:
(i) each Contracting Party that is a State shall have one vote and shall vote only in its own name; and
(ii) any Contracting Party that is an intergovernmental organization may participate in the vote, in place of its Member States, with a number of votes equal to the number of its Member States which are party to this Treaty. No such intergovernmental organization shall participate in the vote if any one of its Member States exercises its right to vote and vice versa. In addition, no such intergovernmental organization shall participate in the vote if any one of its Member States party to this Treaty is a Member State of another such intergovernmental organization and that other intergovernmental organization participates in that vote.
(5) [Majorities]   五、[多数]
(a) Subject to Articles 14(2) and (3), 16(1) and 19(3), the decisions of the Assembly shall require two-thirds of the votes cast.
(b) In determining whether the required majority is attained, only votes actually cast shall be taken into consideration. Abstentions shall not be considered as votes.
(6) [Sessions] The Assembly shall meet in ordinary session once every two years upon convocation by the Director General.   六、[会议]大会应每两年由总干事召集举行一次例会。
(7) [Rules of Procedure] The Assembly shall establish its own rules of procedure, including rules for the convocation of extraordinary sessions.   七、[议事规则]大会应制定自己的议事规则,包括召集特别会议的规则。

Article 18
International Bureau


(1) [Administrative Tasks]   一、[行政任务]
(a) The International Bureau shall perform the administrative tasks concerning this Treaty.
(b) In particular, the International Bureau shall prepare the meetings and provide the secretariat of the Assembly and of such committees of experts and working groups as may be established by the Assembly.
(2) [Meetings Other than Sessions of the Assembly] The Director General shall convene any committee and working group established by the Assembly.   二、[除大会会议以外的会议]总干事应召集举行大会所设立的任何委员会和工作组的会议。
(3) [Role of the International Bureau in the Assembly and Other Meetings]   三、[国际局在大会及其他会议中的作用]
(a) The Director General and persons designated by the Director General shall participate, without the right to vote, in all meetings of the Assembly, the committees and working groups established by the Assembly.
(b) The Director General or a staff member designated by the Director General shall be ex officio secretary of the Assembly, and of the committees and working groups referred to in subparagraph (a).
(4) [Conferences]   四、[会议]
(a) The International Bureau shall, in accordance with the directions of the Assembly, make the preparations for any revision conferences.
(b) The International Bureau may consult with member States of the Organization, intergovernmental organizations and international and national non-governmental organizations concerning the said preparations.
(c) The Director General and persons designated by the Director General shall take part, without the right to vote, in the discussions at revision conferences.
(5) [Other Tasks] The International Bureau shall carry out any other tasks assigned to it in relation to this Treaty.   五、[其他任务]国际局应执行所分派的与本条约有关的任何其他任务。

Article 19


(1) [Revision of the Treaty] Subject to paragraph (2), this Treaty may be revised by a conference of the Contracting Parties. The convocation of any revision conference shall be decided by the Assembly.   一、[本条约的修订]除本条第二款规定以外,本条约可由缔约方的会议加以修订。任何修订会议的召集应由大会决定。
(2) [Revision or Amendment of Certain Provisions of the Treaty] Article 17(2) and (6) may be amended either by a revision conference, or by the Assembly according to the provisions of paragraph (3).   二、[本条约若干条款的修订或修正]第十七条第二款和第六款可由修订会议或由大会根据本条第三款的规定加以修正。
(3) [Amendment by the Assembly of Certain Provisions of the Treaty]   三、[大会对本条约若干条款的修正]
(a) Proposals for the amendment by the Assembly of Article 17(2) and (6) may be initiated by any Contracting Party or by the Director General. Such proposals shall be communicated by the Director General to the Contracting Parties at least six months in advance of their consideration by the Assembly.
(b) Adoption of any amendment to the provisions referred to in subparagraph (a) shall require three-fourths of the votes cast.
(c) Any amendment to the provisions referred to in subparagraph (a) shall enter into force one month after written notifications of acceptance, effected in accordance with their respective constitutional processes, have been received by the Director General from three-fourths of the Contracting Parties which were members of the Assembly at the time the Assembly adopted the amendment. Any amendment to the said provisions thus accepted shall bind all the Contracting Parties at the time the amendment enters into force, and States and intergovernmental organizations which become Contracting Parties at a subsequent date.

Article 20
Becoming Party to the Treaty


(1) [States] Any State which is party to the Paris Convention or which is a member of the Organization, and in respect of which patents may be granted, either through the State’s own Office or through the Office of another State or intergovernmental organization, may become party to this Treaty.   一、[国家]任何参加《巴黎公约》或属本组织成员并且通过其本国的主管局或通过另一国家或政府间组织的主管局能授予专利的国家,均可成为本条约的缔约方。
(2) [Intergovernmental Organizations] Any intergovernmental organization may become party to this Treaty if at least one member State of that intergovernmental organization is party to the Paris Convention or a member of the Organization, and the intergovernmental organization declares that it has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to become party to this Treaty, and declares that:   二、[政府间组织]如果任何政府间组织至少有一个成员国参加《巴黎公约》或属本组织的成员,并且该政府间组织作出关于其根据内部程序被正式授权要求成为本条约缔约方的声明以及以下声明,则该政府间组织可成为本条约的缔约方:
(i) it is competent to grant patents with effect for its member States; or
(ii) it is competent in respect of, and has its own legislation binding on all its member States concerning, matters covered by this Treaty, and it has, or has charged, a regional Office for the purpose of granting patents with effect in its territory in accordance with that legislation.
Subject to paragraph (3), any such declaration shall be made at the time of the deposit of the instrument of ratification or accession.   除本条第三款规定以外,任何此种声明均应在交存批准书或加入书时作出。
(3) [Regional Patent Organizations] The European Patent Organization, the Eurasian Patent Organization and the African Regional Industrial Property Organization, having made the declaration referred to in paragraph (2)(i) or (ii) in the Diplomatic Conference that has adopted this Treaty, may become party to this Treaty as an intergovernmental organization, if it declares, at the time of the deposit of the instrument of ratification or accession that it has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to become party to this Treaty.   三、[地区专利组织]在通过本条约的外交会议上作出本条第二款第(1)项或第(2)项所述声明的欧洲专利组织、欧亚专利组织和非洲地区工业产权组织,在交存批准书或接受书时声明,其根据内部程序被正式授权要求成为本条约缔约方的,可作为政府间组织成为本条约的缔约方。
(4) [Ratification or Accession] Any State or intergovernmental organization satisfying the requirements in paragraph (1), (2) or (3) may deposit:   四、[批准或加入]满足本条第一款、第二款或第三款要求的任何国家或政府间组织:
(i) an instrument of ratification if it has signed this Treaty; or
(ii) an instrument of accession if it has not signed this Treaty.

Article 21
Entry into Force; Effective Dates of Ratifications and Accessions


(1) [Entry into Force of this Treaty] This Treaty shall enter into force three months after ten instruments of ratification or accession by States have been deposited with the Director General.   一、[本条约的生效]本条约应在十个国家向总干事交存了批准书或加入书后三个月生效。
(2) [Effective Dates of Ratifications and Accessions] This Treaty shall bind:   二、[批准和加入的生效日期]本条约应:
(i) the ten States referred to in paragraph (1), from the date on which this Treaty has entered into force;
(ii) each other State, from the expiration of three months after the date on which the State has deposited its instrument of ratification or accession with the Director General, or from any later date indicated in that instrument, but no later than six months after the date of such deposit;
(iii) each of the European Patent Organization, the Eurasian Patent Organization and the African Regional Industrial Property Organization, from the expiration of three months after the deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession, or from any later date indicated in that instrument, but no later than six months after the date of such deposit, if such instrument has been deposited after the entry into force of this Treaty according to paragraph (1), or three months after the entry into force of this Treaty if such instrument has been deposited before the entry into force of this Treaty;
(iv) any other intergovernmental organization that is eligible to become party to this Treaty, from the expiration of three months after the deposit of its instrument of ratification or accession, or from any later date indicated in that instrument, but no later than six months after the date of such deposit.

Article 22
Application of the Treaty to Existing Applications and Patents


(1) [Principle] Subject to paragraph (2), a Contracting Party shall apply the provisions of this Treaty and the Regulations, other than Articles 5 and 6(1) and (2) and related Regulations, to applications which are pending, and to patents which are in force, on the date on which this Treaty binds that Contracting Party under Article 21.   一、[原则]除本条第二款规定以外,缔约方应将除第五条和第六条第一款和第二款以及相关实施细则以外的本条约和实施细则的规定适用于在本条约依第二十一条对该缔约方有约束力之日未决的申请和已生效的专利。
(2) [Procedures] No Contracting Party shall be obliged to apply the provisions of this Treaty and the Regulations to any procedure in proceedings with respect to applications and patents referred to in paragraph (1), if such procedure commenced before the date on which this Treaty binds that Contracting Party under Article 21.   二、[程序]如果处理本条第一款所述的申请和专利的任何程序在本条约依第二十一条对缔约方有约束力之日前已经开始,任何此种缔约方均无义务将本条约和实施细则的规定适用于这一程序。

Article 23


(1) [Reservation] Any State or intergovernmental organization may declare through a reservation that the provisions of Article 6(1) shall not apply to any requirement relating to unity of invention applicable under the Patent Cooperation Treaty to an international application.   一、[保留]任何国家或政府间组织均可通过保留的形式声明,第六条第一款的规定不适用于依《专利合作条约》可适用于国际申请的任何有关发明单一性的要求。
(2) [Modalities] Any reservation under paragraph (1) shall be made in a declaration accompanying the instrument of ratification of, or accession to, this Treaty of the State or intergovernmental organization making the reservation.   二、[形式]本条第一款所述的任何保留应采用声明的形式,附于作出保留的国家或政府间组织批准或加入本条约的文书中。
(3) [Withdrawal] Any reservation under paragraph (1) may be withdrawn at any time.   三、[撤回]本条第一款所述的任何保留可随时撤回。
(4) [Prohibition of Other Reservations] No reservation to this Treaty other than the reservation allowed under paragraph (1) shall be permitted.   四、[禁止其他保留]除本条第一款所允许的保留外,不得对本条约有任何其他保留。

Article 24
Denunciation of the Treaty


(1) [Notification] Any Contracting Party may denounce this Treaty by notification addressed to the Director General.   一、[通知]任何缔约方可通过向总干事发出通知的形式退出本条约。
(2) [Effective Date] Any denunciation shall take effect one year from the date on which the Director General has received the notification or at any later date indicated in the notification. It shall not affect the application of this Treaty to any application pending or any patent in force in respect of the denouncing Contracting Party at the time of the coming into effect of the denunciation.   二、[生效日期]任何退出应于总干事收到通知之日起一年或于通知中所指明的任何更晚的日期生效。退出不得影响本条约对在退出生效时就宣布退出的缔约方提出的任何未决申请或任何已生效的专利的适用。

Article 25
Languages of the Treaty


(1) [Authentic Texts] This Treaty is signed in a single original in the English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish languages, all texts being equally and exclusively authentic.   一、[作准文本]本条约的签字原始文本为一份,用中文、阿拉伯文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文写成,各种文本分别同等作准。
(2) [Official Texts] An official text in any language other than those referred to in paragraph (1) shall be established by the Director General, after consultation with the interested parties. For the purposes of this paragraph, interested party means any State which is party to the Treaty, or is eligible to become party to the Treaty under Article 20(1), whose official language, or one of whose official languages, is involved, and the European Patent Organization, the Eurasian Patent Organization and the African Regional Industrial Property Organization and any other intergovernmental organization that is party to the Treaty, or may become party to the Treaty, if one of its official languages is involved.   二、[正式文本]总干事在与有关各方协商后,应制定本条第一款所述以外的任何其他语文的正式文本。为本款的目的,有关各方是指涉及其官方语文或官方语文之一的任何参加本条约或依第二十条第一款有资格成为本条约缔约方的国家,并指欧洲专利组织、欧亚专利组织和非洲地区工业产权组织以及如果涉及其官方语文之一,任何参加本条约或有可能成为本条约缔约方的其他政府间组织。
(3) [Authentic Texts to Prevail] In case of differences of opinion on interpretation between authentic and official texts, the authentic texts shall prevail.   三、[以作准文本为准]对作准文本和正式文本之间的解释出现不同意见时,应以作准文本为准。

Article 26
Signature of the Treaty


The Treaty shall remain open for signature by any State that is eligible for becoming party to the Treaty under Article 20(1) and by the European Patent Organization, the Eurasian Patent Organization and the African Regional Industrial Property Organization at the headquarters of the Organization for one year after its adoption.   本条约通过之后应以一年为期在本组织总部开放供任何依第二十条第一款有资格成为本条约缔约方的国家,以及欧洲专利组织、欧亚专利组织和非洲地区工业产权组织签字。

Article 27
Depositary; Registration


(1) [Depositary] The Director General is the depositary of this Treaty.   一、[保存人]总干事为本条约的保存人。
(2) [Registration] The Director General shall register this Treaty with the Secretariat of the United Nations.   二、[登记]总干事应将本条约交联合国秘书处登记。